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Help in our
We all have struggles. God has created us as relational beings. We are not meant to get by on our own. He has given us a church family to belong to, so if you are struggling in some way at the moment, we would love to know. As well as praying for you, we would also love to walk alongside you in your struggles.
There are a variety of resources on this page that may help you and perhaps a good place to start would be to reach out and ask someone to read or listen to some of these resources along with you. You may be able to ask a friend to do this but there is also a team of people in the church who would love to walk alongside you.
If you would like us to arrange for you to meet with someone one-to-one, then do contact the church office: and we will gladly arrange it!
You know how anxiety and fear feels – your stomach drops, your neck tightens, your whole body tenses. But do you know what to do when anxiety fills your days and troubles your nights? You’ve probably already tried a few strategies, like denial or working harder, but noticed that they aren’t a permanent solution. If you are tired of dealing with anxiety and worry on your own, then one of these books may be a help to you!
'A Small Book for the Anxious Heart'
by Edward T. Welch
God speaks some of the most beautiful words in Scripture to anxious people. In ‘A Small Book for the Anxious Heart’ Welch shares 50 short readings to teach us about God, lead us to trust him for today and give us assurance that he is with us.
'Hope in an Anxious World'
by Helen Thorne
If you ever worry, you will want to read this book. You will not find trite, easy answers, but you will find real ones as you discover foundational truths for times when you feel overwhelmed.
'When I am Afraid'
by Edward T. Welch
This is a weekly devotional guide. As you go through each set of meditations, anxiety should gradually yield to hope, peace and rest. Of course, this is a lifelong process, but this guide may help to kickstart the process and bring lifelong change. A great resource to work through with a friend!
'A Student's Guide to Anxiety'
by Edward T. Welch
This book will help us to take our eyes off our circumstances and fix them on God. This can be used individually or worked through 1-1.
Worry & Anxiety
'God and Depression'
by Andrew Nicholls
'Encouragement for the Depressed'
by Charles H. Spurgeon
In this classic sermon, Spurgeon gently urges those struggling with depression to cast their burdens upon the Lord, who will not forsake his people. Having battled depression and discouragement himself for most of his years in ministry, Spurgeon encourages the downtrodden to hold fast to the promises of God, for he is steadfast and will comfort his children as they walk faithfully with him.
'Depression - Looking Up from the Stubborn Darkness'
by Edward T. Welch
Where is God in the struggle? Looking away from despair towards hope can feel risky. What if God doesn’t come through for you? What if you don’t feel instantly better? Instead of offering simple platitudes and unrealistic cure-all formulas, Welch addresses the complex nature of depression with compassion and insight, applying the rich treasures of the gospel, and giving fresh hope to those who struggle.
'Anger: Being Cross, Being Christlike'
by Christopher Ash
'The Heart of Anger'
by Christopher Ash
We all struggle with anger at times: our plans suddenly fall through, we lose a prized possession, or our reputation is called into question. More often than not, when anger knocks at the door of our hearts, we easily allow it to take over. But what if getting to the heart of our anger also reveals the way to transform it?
'God's Grace in Your Suffering'
by David Powlison
There are never quick fixes or easy answers when it comes to suffering. But even when we can’t immediately see God’s hand – when the struggle is hard and painful – he is working. Weaving together Scripture, personal stories, and the words of the classic hymn “How Firm a Foundation”, Powlison brings an experienced counsellor’s touch to exploring how God enters into our sufferings, helping us to see God working in our own particular struggles – and discover how God’s grace goes deeper than we could ever imagine.
'Hope When It Hurts'
by Kristen Wetherell & Sarah Walton
For anyone who is hurting, this book will give hope, not just for life beyond the suffering, but for life in the suffering. Each chapter contains a biblical reflection, with questions and prayer.
everyday change
'Real Change'
by Andrew Nicholls & Helen Thorne
This six-session course can help us to pursue biblical, heart-focused change. It is ideal for anyone who wants to grow to be more like Jesus and worth doing in a one-to-one or a small group.
'Real Change for Students'
by Andrew Nicholls & Helen Thorne
This six-session course is designed for teens/students.
everyday change
by Timothy S. Lane & Paul Tripp
Whether it be with friends, spouses or children, relationships can at times be challenging. In this book Tim and Paul show that relationships are a mess worth making, and how the gospel shapes our relationships with others.
disordered eating
'First Steps out of Eating Disorders'
by Kate Middleton & Jane Smith
This book is a good place for anyone to start to want to change their own relationship with food, or help someone they care about who does but who maybe doesn’t have the headspace/energy to read themselves.
'Can I tell you about Eating Disorders?'
by Bryan Lask & Lucy Watson
This is a great book to share with people to help them understand eating disorders, i.e. great for someone struggling to pass onto family/friends to help them understand what they’re going through.
Eating disorders
children's resources
'When Children Are Anxious'
by Karen Sleeman
A helpful article for parents wanting to help their children with anxiety.
by Marty Machowski
A wonderful book that uses the Psalms to helps young readers to pray and find help with life's challenges.
'Seeds of Courage'
by Seeds Family Worship
Seeds Family Worship helps young people to know the Bible by taking well known verses and setting them to music. It's a great resource for car journeys or to play at home, listening to the comfort of God's word.
*Available on Spotify, Apple Music & Amazon
Children's resources
looking to Jesus
In the midst of trials it can be hard to keep our faith going. These resources help us in those times to look to Jesus, seeing how he has not only suffered himself, but walks with us in our suffering too.
'Gentle and Lowly'
by Dane Ortlund
This book draws us to Matthew 11, where Jesus describes himself as "gentle and lowly in heart," longing for people to find their rest in him.
'Tumbling Sky: Psalm Devotions for Weary Souls'
by Matt Searles
'Tumbling Sky' immerses us in the Psalms, a book that gives us words to pray when our own words fail. This book helps us look to Jesus, reminding us of the suffering he experienced, and how he gently leads us through dark valleys.
Looking to Jesus
These are just a few resources that we pray will provide a helpful perspective on many hard areas of life. If you would like to go through any of these resources with someone from the church, please contact
If you are looking to purchase any of these books, they are sold widely on the internet. If you were looking to support a Christian bookshop, find links to 10ofthose and The Good Book Company below:
helping others
'Saints, Sufferers & Sinners'
by Michael Emlet
A friend feels rejected. A family member is angry. A church member’s child is ill. You want to help, but where do you begin? Counsellor Michael R Emlet outlines a model of one-another ministry based on how God sees and loves his people as saints, while bringing comfort to the sufferer, and faithfully speaking truth to the sinner.
Helping others
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